Dragnet Anthology 1 (paperback)

Dragnet Anthology 1 is available for sale as a paperbook here and as an e-book at Kobo. It collects some of the best works from the first eight issues of Dragnet Magazine (http://dragnetmag.net), the online literary journal that isn’t afraid to approach serious topics with humour.
Covering the period from February 2011 to July 2013, Dragnet Anthology 1 features such fine catches as A.G. Pasquella, Amelia Floortje, André Babyn, Andrew F. Sullivan, Andrew Faulkner, Andrew J. Borkowski, Andy Sinclair, Ann Ward, Ben Ladouceur, Claire Battershill, Erica Schmidt, Gary Barwin, Jasmine Szabo-Knox, Jeremy Woodcock, Joseph Yachimec, Kyle Flak, Matthew R. Loney, Meredith Hambrock, Mike Blouin, Molly Lynch, Nadia Ragbar, Patricia Young, Rolli, Rowan Melling, Shari Kasman, Terence Young, and Thomas Mundt.
ISBN: 978-0-9920441-0-7 (pbk.), 978-0-9920441-1-4 (epub)
Release date: September 12, 2013
Cover and interior design: Adrian So